Misty Monsoon/Rainmaker: Once there was a Toon sheep, trying to have a purpose in the world, until she was struck down by an unknown creature, forced to possess a Suit and never go back home again. She did have a couple of toon friends, but they wouldn't recognize her anymore, she changed too much. However, they end up making a new Toon friend because of William Boar, or as he's known as Derrick Man, yes it's Rain. Long story short, she needed a suit to rely on, he allowed her to get back on her feet, when she got into Cogs Inc. he ignored them, in doing so allowing her to meet Rain. Misty also has friendships with the other Managers, more than most of them ironically. They have the two Lawbot Managers, Belle and Prester, their co-worker in Boatyard, Mary, when going to work on foot from HQ to dock, they have Flint, and eventually a couple more.
Chip Revvington/Chainsaw Consultant: Terrified of hurting anyone and everyone, like he has a choice. He's way younger than Spruce, with an age gap between 10 and 25 years. They both lived in the same place, so that's why they know eachother better. There was not much time for him and Prester to meet at SCREW, because Chip was only there for a few months, and was busy, yet Prester knows him, like a old friend. Chip's secretary, that requested for a Cogfee Machine in the ARG, is that Yesman at the end of the boss fight. He also has the suit equivalent to insomnia, so he takes melatonin, that doesn't help him sleep, sometimes he even downs a whole lot of it, and that doesn't even work. Special triggers of the Override include: Accused for something only it would do, stress, anger, and on command. Whenever the Override takes over, he still hears what's happening, and sometimes, sees and speaks through it. Usually, he's in a void-like area when not in control, but it lightens up, once he starts taking control. He tries not to go over his stress limit, so he tends to shut out everyone once in a while. Squeaks, a couple of times, suggests that Chip needs to make friends, at least one other he barely knows. It was only asked a few times, then she was forced to fight him, a bad thing happened, now she refuses to try again, and go near him or his building.
Prester Vergil/Witch Hunter: A long time ago, he was in love, but due to unnatural situations, refuses to love again. However, just because he's negative to most beings, doesn't mean he has no heart. He cares about his fellow Lawbot Managers, Belle and Misty, and is willing to do whatever they want for fun. He especially feels bad about Misty, who is confused about who she's suppose to be. See, other than the commanding and fire powers, he's able to magically see who anyone truly is, personality and physically wise. Example being, he looks at Squeaks, who is excited and loud most times, and sees Sabes, who prefers to keep her mouth shut. She did not know about this power when fighting him the first time, but had a hunch that he knew her beyond being a toon. With that kind of power, that's likely why he feels bad about Monsoon. Of course, there are few people that are mostly pure of heart, so in a way, this power is a curse to him. So, around those people, whether it's fellow Suits or Toons, he speaks all fancy, and tries not to be attached to anybody. Sometimes, he drops it when alone, with just those pure ones, or to say something in simple terms. Crystalline knows about him, and considers him better than Robert, but he doesn't feel the same for her. When working for SCREW, since he was the Head Attorney, he'd face a lot of toons, including Tact, back when he was around there. They were both affected by their first and only battle, Tact leaving his Resistance, and Prester refusing to deal with toons over there again. One day he'll come around, if just for his love, the dark sky with an angel above.
Buck Ruffler/Duck Shuffler: Silly guy, cares sometimes, doesn't other times, it depends. The incident involving Brian caused the duck to be, will, different to others. One moment he's stammering about a lucky day in his past, then out of nowhere, a bar of gold comes down to crush him and anyone around him. Despite this, he's still friends with Dave and Belle, Dave being the first person to understand him, Belle being like a grandma, gifting sweet treats and playing card games. There are others who could be friends with him, but his randomness, and him not taking the chance, ironically preventing him from having new buddies. The lisp has always been there, before his job and incident, however after that happened, he avoids using certain words, in case he gets stuck saying it over and over again, without knowing how to stop it. Also, his attention span is so short, it takes a few seconds before he gets off topic, sure he retains some of the words said, but not all of them. His problems are trying to be solved by, who else Dave, specifically some of the gambling addiction and social cues. Unfortunately, Buck does not want to even attempt a fix like this, he does not want to change the way he is, and Dave is too caring for him to use his dimensional powers, especially after the incident. So they both have to take it slow, and hope that luck makes everything perfect.
Dave Brubot/Major Player: Ultimate being, the power of two. Yes, there are two Daves, thank April Toons and phase two for that, but they have some differences. They met different people when they first came here, one met Buck Shuffler and thought the guy was funny, and the other had met some toon, who goes by Winn Dos. Winn ends up trying to fix the both of them, after a toon show, keeping it secret from Mac, so they don't get thrown out of their home. Mac did find out before she was caught, and while surprised at first, he said that Dave was fine to fix up, as it gives him chances to learn what this Suit can do or handle. Back to the Daves, they both have nicknames and slight differences, the one that prefers Suits(Buck) has card based names(Ace, King, Joker) with ace marks under his glasses, and the other has diamonds under his own, as well being nicknamed after light things(Star, Sunshine, Rainbow), and even with these differences, they also get confused sometimes. Even with all of that, the two Daves are considered one Suit, and he's okay with that. There is a high amount of friendship between hymn and toons, even during the fights, so at some point, toons with musical capabilities are a part of the non-fight shows. Sometimes it gets too chaotic, and it needs to be balanced out with other suits, like that one comic with Bellringer and the puppet.
This is not the only "Toontown". Rather, our main Toontown is like Corporate Clash, while another "Toontown" is a mixed bag, with friendly Cogs, and unique Toons. At least one of the characters are from this place, ended up going to the current Toontown, and that's why they're accepting to both Toons and Suits. However, there are still some problems with both sides, so that's why there's a Toon Resistance, and some Suit Companies. It has Event Horizon suits, like Astrobots, but they're normally friendly, or are they? No, they are, in fact, nice... However, something really bad happened in that town, and it was neither the Suits or Toons fault. There was something abnormal, out of this world even, they were not here to befriend anyone, and they attacked the town. In the end, many of the residents ended up no longer alive, melted like a puddle, both kinds. Whoever remained, helped fix up the town, and tried to make it go back to paradise again. They ended up setting up a graveyard for all the ones who perished that day, or what remains of them. Just because the storm finally calmed down, doesn't mean everythings perfect, the town's rarely getting new visitors, because of the media posing about the incident. Plus, the Toons and Suits became a little more distant, but that ain't too problematic, unless it's the crazy ones spreading rumors. They think that the ones who were attacking, are pretending to be a Suit or Toon. That couldn't be true... Right? Regardless, 10 years is long enough before they strike down again. It'll take as many toons and suits to get rid of them for good.
Suits do celebrate the holidays, just not as much as Toons. Most of the time, the Winter's Solstice, or Toonsmas, is the most celebrated for everyone. Holly Grayelle really likes the holiday, to the point where she wouldn't harm toons on the day of the Solstice, if not for the fact COGS INK making suits work that day. When Suits do get time off, they all have a great time, doing things in snow, wearing themed outfits, and coming together for a feast when it's nighttime. There are others, but they're not as special than the Solstice.
Alternate universes, there are multiple versions of a world, only a few have an idea of what's out there. Rewritten is separate from Clash in this way, and will be important sometime. Another world that's like Clash, but like an Infection AU, kinda important, but not as much as the other one. Oh, and Ducktales 2017 is within the Multiverse.
(I MADE UP WHAT COULD HAPPEN IN THE 2.0. UPDATE, AND I KNOW IT'S NOT LIKELY TO HAPPEN, BUT I COULD NOT STOP THINKING ABOUT IT, ALSO AN ALTERNATE UNIVERSE, BECAUSE MY LORE THINGS WON'T WORK OTHERWISE.) You are not allowed to even try heading over to Daffodil Gardens from the Central, mostly from the smog poisoning coming from that Derrick Man owned building. Besides that, the Sellbots have surveillance all over there, in the Gardens, ready to go after any toon intruders going into the HQ, yet they leave the main area untouched, unlike Rewritten. Weirdly enough, the other bosses have not secured all of their HQ's, even the CLO, who was given special treatment for years. Also, there's the new managers, usually in the sky or atop of buildings, however the Ye Olde area caught one of them, and is likely to never leave, just like that purple skelecog. That Suit is Dividend King, but it seems like the suit doesn't care about being in a cell.
The Radio songs at COO are obviously teasing some things, but people are getting one of them wrong. Back in 2023, everyone thought Song 10 was a battle theme, when it's further from the truth. It does have Multislacker as a part of it, and that could mean Overclocked VP, the obvious parts. Yeah, I can hear the beginning, how this would be a battle theme, but everything else contradicts it. Example being, with Song 7, the Remixed Multislacker theme, this song surprisingly goes with 10 right after, like a battle with him happens, then a cutscene. Now hear this, in 54 seconds, a toon sounding section, then it gets cut off by a more cog-like section. It's like the Derrick Man opening cutscene theme, but it's after a phase, instead of the beginning. It's a song, involving a toon, but who are we saving? Maybe, in my opinion, we try to finally find Detective Lima, Coach Z mentions him during the current questline, but we don't meet that dog. My idea is that Jr. catches us, tries making us do some of suit work, instead of straight up fighting us. That would explain Powerhouse song, it's almost 2 minutes, long enough to be considered a minigame, in my eyes. After that, he reveals us toons and fights us, Song 7, then the 10th song plays, and we beat the Multislacker battle round. There's also that other working song notes in there, before the toon leitmotif, I know it from Hardware Store and other songs. Another thing, how long would we wear our suits, before the first battle, or when the actual VP, finds us and realize we are toons? Will Jr. be the main boss, with our VP being fought at the end, or will it change between those two? What'll happen at the end, to Jr. after VP fails to beat us? It's a lot to think about.
Who will be the main boss for Boardbot HQ? There's the obvious two, the Chairman and COO, but maybe it's Crystalline. She was teased in most of the Boredbot HQ fights, besides '24, I'll get there, and it seems she could want to take his company, for what reason, I'm not sure. I actually have a Suit name for her, it's Influncer, and she could be like a perfume bottle. I think she sprays people, to convince them to be on her side, like she sprays Robert a lot, to cause bad decisions, maybe makes him angrier, or forcing him to love her. She also likely caused Thomas to not talk about her anymore, after his outburst about her getting the job, because of course she gets the job, regardless. If we were to get in a fight with her, she just simply sprays, first chance she gets, or lets other Cogs do her bidding. She probably forces Robert and Thomas to fight the toons after that, but Thomas tries to back out from the fight, even sprayed. At the end, she pulls out an unfinished Big Suit body, and tries to do this herself, both brothers stay away from her during this phase. Bet that she has a Brian moment, her glass head breaks, therefore the spray doesn't work, she runs away, and Robert gets angry at us, thinking we are the problem. Thomas ends up breaking the news, about how bad she really is, as those two walk away and we celebrate, or maybe we might feel bad about Thomas.
How are, at least the kudos ones, our Managers gonna be in the game more? The first 2 are obvious, Brian would be somewhere in the Toontorial, as a voice, telling us to knock it off. Misty does have an obsession with Derrick Man, so she could be around that boss fight, or had given a idea for him, and uses it against the toons. Cathal, is gonna be a part of VP's battle, as was said in the first theory. The rest, I'm not so sure, maybe they would be talked about, problems with them and such. Maybe Cashbot boss talks about Cosmo, Lawbot boss about Prester, and Bossbot about Chip. That's 6 out of the 8 Kudos Managers, not sure about Dave or Graham being talked about in bosses. They probably get enough attention from the fanbase, though.
Here's how you can make bold and italic text.