Friends page!

Not really. See, I dont have friends. Real friends. In-game friends, but, I do have some acquaintances that I care about, if they aren't that bad. Note: These are mostly Cogs, but they are okay with me.

Misty Monsoon. We became quick friends. One day, I chose to not fight her at first and just straight up talked 2 her. Started with small talk, then did things I was fine with, singing and art, 'til she finally could go to other places with me. We usually go 2 Styx's, cause it's so close to her HQ, and order small things like the bread sticks, and the ice cream. At some point, they're gonna talk 2 others outside their comfort zone, but for now, they will stick to a few others, like her fellow Lawbot Managers, Belle and Prester, also Flint. Made them an art piece, that looked like she was having the time of her life, and a storm rolled in because they were on the verge of tears, but it never rained, cause she seems happy, coulda saw a little lavender on her ponytail when she hugged me.

Rainmaker with a different look.

Cathal Bravecog. Same as the first. Although, I did have to fight him for a blueprint of some kind, then after, we talked about a truce, between him and I. See, we both like watching things, but he prefer 2 keep his shows to himself. So, I just take a portable TV-like thing, a tablet, for people who know, and try to show what I watch, when he has time. Otherwise, got him some food when he's hungry for it. Although, I get too attached 2 him sometimes, so he actually tries 2 avoid me, by doing things with Graham, going out, or fixing up stuff like his vehicle of choice, a wheelbarrow with engines, kinda like how his dad has wheels instead of feet.

Multislacker's Burrow ride.

Snee-Zee and Tact. They are fellow toons that are a strong duo, and musicians. Zee was a cat, now a deer, and is a guitarist. Tact, a cow, er, bovine, is a percussionist. Both of them can be vocalists. Both of them are also elite Rangers, though neither of them are leaders. Had met them separately, Zee first. She was doing something when we bumped into eachother, I think she was delivering some music props for a concert. Then she introduced me to Tact, though we don't get along as well, ironic since we're both introverts. Gotta say, they both remind me... HA, just teasing, they aren't like them. There are days where I listen to their songs, indoors or on the go. I could head to that Melodyland building, and they would be playin' there, but I rather not deal with Dave and his Hollywoods.

The toons named Snee-Zee and Tact.

Prester Vergil. He DID NOT want to be friends with me. Then I saved his life when he was falling, knocked out, and couldn't use the propeller thingy. I do have wings after all, which reminded him of someone he- Nevermind, don't wanna talk about it. So in a way, we ended up as friends, yet I don't hang around him as much. When we do hangout, he wants to learn about how I function, since I'm a bit different.