You really want to know something about me, huh? I DON'T TALK TO PEOPLE. Get it?
I'm just pissed with Toonee. She's the one who owns, and technically, created the Mansion, I just think of what I want, she can make it. Of course, I thought of having a website or something to put myself out there would be intresting, I used to be a part of one under a different name, then all the popular social media websites suddenly have something bad about them. I could go and play a proper Virtual World, but I pretty much have a preference, mostly not fully predatory, and I don't want to fight people, ironic with Toontown, plus most of the good V.W. are gone.
That's the thing, I had, rather have issues with most games. I do like creation games, but I feel like I'm not creative enough on visuals. Mobile games are needing online with little ads, or offline with ads all the time. Plus the thing about Virtual Worlds, I was rarely talking to people, fear of missing out never got a hold of me, I don't know. Like yeah, I'm in a better place now...
Ya know what, I'll give ya a profile. Just so I don't type out my life story.

Plus some stuff about Her, if only I don't want you going to them blind.

(Toonelle Appears)TOONEE, NOT YOU NOW-(gets swayed to the side)
Gosh, guess I didn't actually introduce myself. However, most of my introduction is already on there, so guess I don't hav'ta say much. Yeah, I do help people, and yeah, if just to create a bit of chaos. However, never have I gone too far with punishments. I know she sees me as unpredictable, that is true, but she's just the kind of person to think I over do it and more. I wouldn't do something bad to you, this is a website after all.
WOAH. I understand, you try and help people, but you do not finish the job. Plus, it gets annoying after enough times. Need an example of someone? ME. You practically torture me for the rest of your life, no, the rest of mine! Do you have anything to say for yourself?
Yeah, that's the point. You need help. I Try To HELP, YOU Ignore The Advice, and Now, it Repeats. YOU NEVER Listen, YOU NEVER Learn. YOU WILL SUFFER 4 THE REST OF YOUR LIFE TOO, YOU EMPTY HUSK.
...Right. I-I'm sorry. ...Anyways, c-check out everywhere else, both of you.