There are things to me that I can't find!

Once in my life, there was entertainment. Now, there is none. Here's some examples.

Virtual Worlds: The very reason I made this page. It's not just multiplayer worlds, either, no no, some games are 100% singleplayer. Usually, the reason they're lost to me, is that, it wasn't popular enough to have many Youtube videos about it, we'll talk about videos later, and they can't even fully load up on the Internet Archive.


While I was able to play Rabbitropolis, it was back when Trix Rabbit was not alone, and nothing else, I just couldn't get into that virtual world, the one I mostly played on that site. From what I can remember, it was like Poptropica, 2d platforming, fetch quests, and puzzles. It probably should've been a singleplayer, cause I don't know what they were thinking, when they made it multiplayer. You play as a technicolor kid, because Trix are for kids, trying to help these, things, while avoiding the png of Trix Rabbit. There is one video, that shows gameplay of this game, without saying anything, and it is basically a trailer video.


All I remember about it was those Rabbids were there, and Barbie Glam Pups was advertised. There are only a few screenshots, from what I found, it was like Fantage, with the hoverboards and costumes, I guess. Apparently, there were other Ubisoft virtual worlds, Imagine Town and a Petz based one, but I only know Ubiworld, however.

Kids CBC WonderWorld

An alien snail fairy is your guide, Bubble. She gives you a slightly customizable room, and you hang out with some cartoon characters. Faves include Animal Mechanicals and Bo on the Go, but there was a show called Poko there, I do remember watching it however, wasn't entertaining, and... Super Why. I'm aware it aired on the channel, but it doesn't deserve to be a world or even half, when it's practically a full site on PBS Kids, WHICH speaking of which-

PBS Kids Play and Kart Kingdom

Same with WonderWorld, but with Dot and Dash as guides. I don't think I've played the first one, but it has Super Why in it, so guess that was something, maybe I played it for the Franny thing. This other game though is something else, it was free as long you had an account. The gameplay was custom Karts, and a platformer where you search for items, for yourself or quests, but the twist is you can fuse items to get to places easier, and finish quests. There was also a coding event, and it gave you special items. It shut down a while ago, the game was mobile, so wasn't Flash.

Disney Princess Website

It was around 2010's, it disappeared a while after Tangled came around. This had a bunch of minigames, lots of decorating ones, and you get charms or something pretty shiny, probably for downloads or something.

The Real Tooth Fairies 2010's Website

Yes, it's still around, but the whole thing got rebooted. The whole thing was to be kind, while losing your teeth the healthy way. I liked the rainbow themed fairy, but I prefer the wannabe tooth fairy, that makes candy and pranks.

Cartoon Network MiXiT video creator

Remixed short clips from early Adventure Time, Regular Show, and eventually Gumball. I remember making one with Banana Joe annoying Ice King, and one of the clips from Regular Show was Benson swear moment. Wish it lasted longer and had other shows, but it was good enough.

My Lego Network

Back when the website had variety, you could make a page for others to see, and have little collectibles to make even better items. Echo was the mascot of that thing, I thought he was creepy, it was either the voice, or the sometimes blinking eyes. Didn't know it lasted a while, when Lego Universe was a thing, I could've went back if there was more to do, like using the flash games or themes for more customization.

UpToTen Website

Many people likely remember this site, for Boowa, Kwala, and their games. Was one of those people too, but I played some of the other games, one was putting a plate puzzle back together, making a shaped plant, coloring characters that were not from the Boowa Kwala series. Those other games are kind of lost, as I can search the names of those guys on Flashpoint, but not get the results I wanted, or no results at all.

Certain Roblox Games

There were so many games I'd like to see again, in the modern age, of course. One was kind of a hangout that has nature-like floating islands, and lantern or glowing orbs on trees. Another was a tycoon where every time you played, you could hopefully get a new building to complete, it had continents to teleport to a tycoon, and the Antarctica one was always taken. Other tycoon game with standard line format, but you could choose which building you could make.

Other Games

Horse Nursing? Ranch PC Game

I only vaguely remember it, because I was out of money, and I didn't think I could earn more, so the horses got sick, and I stopped playing after that. Don't know if it was disk or download, but that's what I know.

Tournament Flash Game

Probably on Flashpoint somewhere, but can't remember anything super special about it. What's something I do know, is you train the character you have with minigames, one for attack, another for defence, and an health one, I think.

Video stuff that I know parts of it, but don't know the actual name, or it's no longer available:

LEGO Jango Fett Adventures

A machinima in the Original LEGO Star Wars game, that focuses on Jango. There's, what I believe, 5 or 6 episodes. It has a droid that calls for him many, many, many times. One episode had a Gungan, either or, talking about his planet, but goes "The *insert thing here*", a lot. Another episode, the finale, had Jango and Darth Maul, two destructive beings in canon, playing Yu-Gi-Oh, I am not making this up as I go. Someone else did a sequel to this with Boba, in The Complete Saga, and did the Bounty Hunter levels, one was for sure the 3rd New Hope level.

MMD Compilation Videos

Most of them were from a youtuber, which went from Fnaf and Undertale, to Genshin and Countryhumans. Scenes that I enjoy includes; anime scene where guy pranks someone that he changes into girl, girl comes out after switching out and the person believes they divided; "Damn Mexicans" prank call gone wrong; person not liking people, calls the negative one a good person, and the guy gets heartbroken when told that they don't want to be with him; guy flirting with feminine person who has a boyfriend or partner, after some talking, deep voice comes out and flirter goes away.

FNaF Character looking at Cringe Things

There were 2 of them, a Foxy reacting to an Angel Of Darkness FNaF Animation, and Freddy listening to a kid doing a voice for him. Methinks I know the Youtuber, but I understand if he does not want to have people hate kids.

Certain Bubble Text Memes

Few of them disappeared a little while ago, usually compilations of songs or funny things in text bubbles. One was about a group of four, the most feminine liking Sans Undertale, a song that was exclusive to them was a Bo Burnham song, and two separate times they played something they already did, in one video. Another person had 4 videos of these, being a bit different while still doing same "My friends as" like the others.

There was some stuff that I've made, but I don't know what happened to it.

October 2023: Was an online art piece, made a stupid decision deleting my history, and forgot to download that one, now all of it's gone. It was a bunch of my own characters, but in Fall or Halloween kind of clothing. Characters I remember being there were: Mariposa and Harry, Snee-Zee, and Sabes.

DreamStuff: A set of dreams that was a part of my online history as well. Used to be recorded on mobile until I had to force reset, and I don't have a proper timeline of when it started or stopped. Have 3 on the computer, will put on here eventually.

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